Registration for HSMD 2025 is now closed. We look forward to seeing you there! Information about how we conducted this year’s registration process is below.
Registration for the 2025 HSMD is now live! Coaches, please register your school here:
Before submitting the form, please pay the registration fee [$20 per student] below using the online payment portal link. After the payment, you will receive a Reference Number which you will need for the Registration form. If you cannot pay online, you can send a check instead and note this on the registration form.
If you have received a fee waiver, you will input the fee waiver confirmation number instead. Also, please have ready a list of your students, their T-Shirt sizes, morning round preferences, and dietary restrictions.
Note that student preferences for the morning round are not subject to change, but students can change their preference for the afternoon round on the day of the competition. We recommend students and the coach to get acquainted with the structure of the Math Day before filling in the registration form.
This registration form is to be filled by the coach of the school only. Each school needs exactly one coach to fill in the registration form.
There is no minimum number of students per school, but the maximum number of students per school is 20. The teams for the Team Round will be formed randomly shortly before the round itself as some students might choose to do the Proof Round. Fill in the information about students from your school in the registration form, and if you have less than 10 students (which is absolutely fine with us!), please leave the rest of the fields blank. If you have more than 10 students, please fill in the registration form a second time.
Registration fees are $20 per student. We encourage you to pay electronically through the online payment portal:
Once the payment is completed, you will receive a Reference Number. Please save it, as it will be needed to confirm your payment when filling in the registration form. If you have received a fee waiver, you will input the fee waiver confirmation number instead.
If you cannot pay online, you may alternatively mail us a check at:
Georgia Institute of Technology
ATTN: Tranae Caldwell
686 Cherry Street, Skiles 125
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0160
If you decide to go with this option, please mark so on the Registration form. However, we strongly encourage the online payment option.
Fee Waivers
We are happy to announce that we are offering fee waivers! Schools located in Georgia that are participating in HSMD or a math competition for the first time, or that can demonstrate financial need, are eligible. The form to apply for a fee waiver is here:
Several things to note about the fee waiver:
- The fee waivers are given to schools and not to individual participants.
- Decisions are made by organizers based on several factors; however, applicants are encouraged to apply early as decisions will be released on a rolling basis.
- We will try to honor as many requests as possible, but schools are encouraged to register in the event of not receiving the fee waiver.
- We aim to get back to applicants with a confirmation in 2-3 weeks after the application. Please be patient with us in case we receive more applications than expected.
Fee Waiver Deadline
The deadline to submit a fee waiver request is Friday, January 17th, 2025.
Registration Deadline
The deadline for Registration is Friday, January 31st, 2025.
We strongly encourage applicants to register earlier in case we reach our capacity.